Our Campaign Measurement, based on single-source data from GfK Crossmedia Link panels, help you understand your target group´s (media) habits so that you can plan laser focused campaigns on the right channels to reach your target consumers. But we don´t stop there. During and after your campaign, you´ll have the insights to understand which channels are best performing with regards to overall as well as incremental reach, the frequency in which key demographics interacted with your campaign, and how your campaign influenced shopping behavior and/or brand perception. Our solutions combine different data assets from a single source - media exposure and advertising contacts, socio-demographics, survey feedback on lifestyles, attributes, and product purchase/purchase intent from panel data - to provide you with the market´s first 360 degree view of your campaigns.
GfK research helps our clients plan their multi-platform audio visual campaigns depending on their objectives.It’s a transparent approach to help our clients balance their media budget in an efficient and effective way. Our clients trust us to provide them with the facts – and we in turn work with GfK to deliver robust, accurate data as the foundation for our planning tool.Phil JonesHead of EMEA Partnership, Ads & Research, Google
Put your campaigns in front of your target customers
Understand where your customers spend time
Profile and message to the right demographics
Know your campaign´s reach across channels
Report on which demos you impacted
Measure sales attributed to your campaign
Calculate your brand lift
Insights tailored to your needs
To reach your target customers, you need to know where they are – which websites they visit, which social media channels they spend time on, and which apps they use. You should know where they use each platform – at home, on their smart phones, or on a tablet. You need to understand if they are more or less inclined to use each of those channels compared to other groups or the general population.
Our Digital Usage Profiler (DUP) gives you all these answers and more. Our digital metering that sits on top of our consumer panel allows you to segment consumers any which way you need (socio-demographic, attitudes, lifestyles, FMCG purchasing behavior, etc.) and our insights come from passively measured web and app using at home, on smartphones, and tablets so you have a truly accurate picture of your target group. Plus, we code all the data using a unique process that helps identify the most relevant online content for your audience.
Segment activation
Once you know your target segments, you might want to dig even deeper into their lifestyles, their purchasing behaviors, their attitudes, and their values. We’ll replicate your target group to find these insights. Then, we’ll push this information back into your target groups to build comprehensive profiles so that you can create personalized, targeted campaigns around them.
We use linking variables to connect our data with yours based on different identifier like cookies (agencies or DSPs), mobile (device) or even parameter like address, mobile number, etc. We ensure that all exchanges comply with GDPR requirements.
Our Data and Segment Activation tool measures media usage and exposure, purchase behavior, lifestyles, and more, all within one source. The insights allow you and your AdTech partners to build 1-to-1 style communication with your audience using messaging that resonates with them. This enriched data allows you to win new customers, create strong brand loyalty, and spend your budget wisely by ensuring that you are addressing the right audience.
Performance analysis
During and after your campaign, you need to understand how it is performing – how many people did you reach? Were they the people you meant to reach? Where did you reach them? Should you reallocate budget on certain channels based on current performance?
Our Campaign Performance Analysis will keep you up-to-date during and after your campaign with a complete 360 degree view of your campaign’s performance. We measure media exposure and contact with advertising within a single source panel, covering all TV and online data immediately and with state-of-the-art measurement. Radio, handouts, and print media are also measured through an integrated survey. All these insights allow you to adjust your campaign as needed and ensure that you are getting the most from your campaign’s budget.
Sales lift (for CPG categories)
Which media channel or channels are performing best for you? Which deliver the highest return on investment?
Our Marketing Mix Evaluator helps you understand which channel (across websites, social media networks, television, and more) is performing the best with your target audience and adjust your campaign accordingly. We measure media exposure and contact with advertising within a single source panel, covering all TV and online data with state-of-the-art measurement. Depending on the country, radio,leaflets and print media are also measured through an integrated survey. We then tie all of this information with real CPG purchase behavior from our household panel.
Brand lift
Running a campaign to build your brand? These are some of the most difficult campaigns to tie back to true business results. We’ll help you measure it.
Our Brand Lift tool enables you to understand how consumers viewed your brand before and after your campaign. It helps you measure top of mind awareness and what kind of attributes they associate with you. Understand whether or not they intend to purchase your product. And, most importantly, analyze the cost per percent in uplift across channels to see where your campaign was most effective.