What is Cross Media Measurement

Cross media measurement is the process of evaluating advertising and marketing campaigns across multiple media channels. It involves collecting data and metrics from various sources to understand the impact and effectiveness of these campaigns. In today's digital age, where consumers use multiple devices and channels, cross media measurement is crucial for marketers to understand audience behavior and improve their campaigns.

There are two related terms within cross media measurement: cross-platform measurement and cross-channel measurement. Cross-platform measurement tracks audience behavior across different devices, providing a comprehensive view of how consumers interact with content on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Cross-channel measurement analyzes and compares campaign performance across various marketing channels like television, radio, print, online, and social media.

This article explains why cross-platform measurement is vital for marketers. It addresses audience fragmentation, multi-channel marketing, device-specific behavior, ad placement optimization, and campaign attribution. By understanding how audiences engage with campaigns across devices and platforms, marketers can optimize their strategies and effectively target their audience.

Targeting the marketing budget, thanks to cross media measurement

An important aspect of cross-media measurement is cross-media audience measurement, which determines the size and characteristics of the audience reached by a campaign across multiple media channels. By knowing the demographics, interests and preferences of the target audience, marketers can tailor their messages and media placements to optimize the effectiveness of their campaign.

Media measurement, including cross-media measurement, plays an important role in the advertising industry. It helps advertisers make informed decisions about their marketing strategies, allocate resources efficiently and improve their return on investment (ROI). By tracking and analyzing various metrics such as impressions, reach, frequency, engagement and conversions, marketers can evaluate the performance of their campaigns, identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to improve their marketing efforts.

In addition, cross-media campaign measurement focuses specifically on evaluating the performance of integrated campaigns that span multiple media channels. It enables marketers to understand how different media channels contribute to the overall success of a campaign and to identify synergies between them. By measuring the impact of each channel and its role in driving awareness, engagement and conversions, marketers can optimize their media mix and allocate budgets accordingly.

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What are the advantages of instant cross media measurement

Instant cross media measurement offers several advantages for running successful media campaigns. Here are some key benefits:

Real-time insights: With instant cross media measurement, marketers can access real-time data and insights about their campaigns. This allows them to monitor campaign performance, make timely adjustments, and respond quickly to emerging trends or issues. Real-time insights enable marketers to optimize their campaigns on the fly and maximize their impact.

Holistic view of audience behavior: Cross media measurement provides a holistic view of how audiences interact with campaigns across different channels and platforms. It helps marketers understand the customer journey and identify touchpoints where consumers engage the most. By gaining insights into audience behavior, marketers can tailor their messaging and media placements to deliver a consistent and impactful brand experience.

Optimized media allocation: By measuring the performance of campaigns across multiple media channels, marketers can identify which channels are most effective in reaching their target audience and driving desired outcomes. This information enables them to allocate their media budgets more efficiently, focusing on channels that deliver the best results and optimizing their media mix for maximum impact.

Improved targeting and personalization: Cross media measurement allows marketers to collect data on audience preferences, interests, and behaviors. This data can be leveraged to improve targeting and personalization efforts, delivering relevant and engaging content to specific audience segments. By tailoring messages to individual preferences, marketers can enhance engagement, build stronger connections with their audience, and drive better campaign performance.

Attribution and ROI analysis: Instant cross media measurement provides valuable insights into the attribution of conversions and the ROI of different media channels. Marketers can track and analyze how each channel contributes to driving conversions and achieving campaign objectives. This information helps in understanding the effectiveness of each channel and optimizing the media mix to maximize ROI

In conclusion, instant cross media measurement offers numerous advantages for running successful media campaigns. By providing real-time insights, a holistic view of audience behavior, optimized media allocation, improved targeting and personalization, and attribution analysis, marketers can make data-driven decisions to enhance their campaigns and achieve better results.

Why cross platform measurement gives important insights

Cross platform measurement plays a crucial role in modern marketing, offering valuable insights that are essential for effective campaign planning and optimization. Here are some reasons why cross platform measurement is mandatory for marketers:

Audience fragmentation: Today's consumers engage with content across various devices and platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, smart TVs, and streaming services. Cross platform measurement helps marketers understand how audiences fragment their attention across different devices and platforms. By gaining insights into audience behavior, marketers can tailor their strategies to reach consumers effectively across multiple touchpoints, ensuring a cohesive brand experience.

Multi-channel marketing: Many marketing campaigns employ a multi-channel approach to reach their target audience effectively. Cross platform measurement enables marketers to assess the performance of their campaigns across different channels, such as social media, search engines, email, display advertising, and more. By analyzing data from various platforms, marketers can identify which channels are most effective in driving engagement and conversions, allowing them to optimize their marketing mix and budget allocation.

Device-specific behaviors: Different devices offer unique opportunities for engagement and interaction. Cross platform measurement helps marketers understand device-specific behaviors and preferences. For example, mobile devices are often used for on-the-go browsing, while desktop computers may be preferred for more in-depth research. By understanding these behaviors, marketers can tailor their campaigns to each device's strengths and limitations, optimizing the user experience and driving better results.

Optimizing ad placements: Cross platform measurement provides insights into the effectiveness of ad placements across different platforms. Marketers can evaluate the performance of ads on various websites, social media platforms, and apps. This information helps in optimizing ad placements to maximize visibility, engagement, and conversions. By identifying high-performing platforms and placements, marketers can make data-driven decisions on where to allocate their ad budgets for optimal results.

Campaign attribution: Cross platform measurement enables marketers to attribute conversions and actions to specific touchpoints along the customer journey. By tracking user interactions across different platforms, marketers can gain a comprehensive understanding of how each touchpoint contributes to the overall campaign success. This information helps in accurately attributing conversions, measuring ROI, and optimizing marketing strategies for maximum impact.

Which KPIs you can choose to measure cross media campaigns?

When measuring the performance of cross media campaigns, it is essential to select key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with campaign objectives and provide actionable insights. Here are some KPIs that can be chosen to measure cross media campaigns effectively:


Reach: Reach measures the total number of unique individuals exposed to a campaign. It helps marketers understand the campaign's potential audience size and assess its impact in terms of generating awareness and brand exposure.

Impressions: Impressions represent the number of times an ad or content is displayed to an audience. Tracking impressions allows marketers to evaluate the campaign's visibility and gauge its potential reach. It is especially important in cross media campaigns, where impressions can vary across different channels and platforms.

Engagement: Engagement metrics assess how audiences interact with a campaign, such as likes, comments, shares, and clicks. Tracking engagement helps measure the campaign's effectiveness in capturing audience attention, generating interest, and encouraging interaction.

Conversion rate: The conversion rate measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. It is a crucial metric for evaluating the campaign's effectiveness in driving desired outcomes and assessing its return on investment.

Attribution: Attribution analysis focuses on understanding which touchpoints in the customer journey contribute most significantly to conversions. By tracking and analyzing user interactions across different channels and platforms, marketers can attribute conversions accurately and allocate credit to each touchpoint.

Cost per acquisition (CPA): CPA measures the cost incurred to acquire a new customer or generate a conversion. It helps marketers assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their campaigns, allowing them to optimize their strategies and allocate budgets accordingly.

Return on ad spend (ROAS): ROAS measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. It provides insights into the campaign's profitability and helps marketers gauge the campaign's overall effectiveness.

Brand awareness and sentiment: Brand awareness metrics, such as aided and unaided brand recall, measure the campaign's impact on increasing brand recognition and recall among the target audience. Sentiment analysis can also be used to assess the audience's perception of the brand and its messaging.

Cross-channel performance: In cross media campaigns, it is crucial to evaluate the performance of individual channels and their contribution to the overall campaign success. Tracking KPIs specific to each channel, such as click-through rate (CTR) for digital channels or viewership ratings for television, allows marketers to optimize their media mix and investment allocation.

Cost efficiency: Cost efficiency metrics, such as cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per click (CPC), help assess the campaign's cost-effectiveness across different media channels and platforms. These metrics allow marketers to optimize their media spend and identify opportunities for cost savings.


Cross media measurement is crucial for marketers and advertisers in today's digital landscape. By evaluating the performance of campaigns across multiple media channels and platforms, marketers gain valuable insights into audience behavior, optimize their strategies, and achieve better campaign results.

Instant cross media measurement offers real-time insights, a holistic view of audience behavior, optimized media allocation, improved targeting and personalization, and attribution analysis. These advantages empower marketers to make data-driven decisions, optimize their campaigns, and maximize their return on investment.

When measuring the performance of cross media campaigns, selecting the right KPIs is crucial. Reach, impressions, engagement, conversion rate, attribution, cost per acquisition, return on ad spend, brand awareness, sentiment, cross-channel performance, and cost efficiency are essential metrics to consider. By monitoring these KPIs, marketers can assess the success of their campaigns, optimize their strategies, and achieve their objectives.

If you need to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your cross media campaigns, turn to GfK communication tracking data. Based on continuous or ad-hoc consumer surveys, we create pre- and post-measurement, tailored to your campaign. This GfK solution is suitable for every market sector and every type of campaign.

To analyze and quantify the impact of cross-media campaigns, the GfK marketing mix evaluator offers a deep understanding of the success factors of marketing campaigns. Here you will find all the important metrics that help advertisers evaluate the increase in their target group measurements - and ultimately lead campaigns to success on a fundamental data basis.